Longevity secrets from the world’s ‘Blue Zones’

Bhavya Siddappa
1 min readOct 8, 2023


Living a long healhy life

I happen to watch the Netflix documentary “Secret of the Blue Zones” where Dan Buettner visits the worlds “Blue Zones” — Okinawa, Tokyo; Ikaria, Greece; Sardinia, Italy; the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica; and Loma Linda to discover the longevity secrets.

Here are the key 10 Longevity secrets that resonated with me:

  1. Have a plant based diet — Sweet Potatoes, beans, fruits, berries, Black beans, squash, Corn, Sourdough bread, herbal tea, raw honey
  2. Move Naturally — Engage in some sports, gardening, sit on the floor, walk around as much as you can.
  3. Healthy Mindset — Worry and stress less, be happy, make people smile
  4. Social Engagement — Be around people who inspire you and have similar values.
  5. Ikigi — Live for purpose, know what you are aiming for in life and work on your dream.
  6. Community — Be part of a community that you can actively engage. Take up Volunteering task
  7. Family — Care for your elders, keep your family close, build your family
  8. Have faith — Hold on to your faith in your almighty, prayer for strength and for the humanity.
  9. Partnership — Love and be in love no matter how vulnerable it makes you.
  10. Dance and Laugh



Bhavya Siddappa
Bhavya Siddappa

Written by Bhavya Siddappa

Student for life. Story teller, creative thinker, woman in tech. Just some one who wants to be happy!

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