Longevity secrets from the world’s ‘Blue Zones’
1 min readOct 8, 2023
Living a long healhy life
I happen to watch the Netflix documentary “Secret of the Blue Zones” where Dan Buettner visits the worlds “Blue Zones” — Okinawa, Tokyo; Ikaria, Greece; Sardinia, Italy; the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica; and Loma Linda to discover the longevity secrets.
Here are the key 10 Longevity secrets that resonated with me:
- Have a plant based diet — Sweet Potatoes, beans, fruits, berries, Black beans, squash, Corn, Sourdough bread, herbal tea, raw honey
- Move Naturally — Engage in some sports, gardening, sit on the floor, walk around as much as you can.
- Healthy Mindset — Worry and stress less, be happy, make people smile
- Social Engagement — Be around people who inspire you and have similar values.
- Ikigi — Live for purpose, know what you are aiming for in life and work on your dream.
- Community — Be part of a community that you can actively engage. Take up Volunteering task
- Family — Care for your elders, keep your family close, build your family
- Have faith — Hold on to your faith in your almighty, prayer for strength and for the humanity.
- Partnership — Love and be in love no matter how vulnerable it makes you.
- Dance and Laugh